The Boys' Brigade was founded in Glasgow on 4th October 1883 by Sir William Alexander Smith.
From this one Company formed in Scotland, the BB has grown in to a world wide movement having worked with millions of children and young people for well over a century.
Through its programme of youth and children's work The Boys' Brigade aims to:
From this one Company formed in Scotland, the BB has grown in to a world wide movement having worked with millions of children and young people for well over a century.
Through its programme of youth and children's work The Boys' Brigade aims to:
- providing opportunities for children and young people to meet together in their communities and engage in a range of fun and developmental activities
- empowering children and young people by involving them in decision making at all levels of the BB and giving responsibility appropriate to their age and aptitude
- enabling children and young people to engage with the needs of others (especially other young people) locally, nationally and globally and encouraging them to participate in activities and projects in which they can make a difference
- working in partnership with churches to encourage the development of a personal Christian faith
- finding partnerships within communities to meet the needs of children and young people
- creating opportunities to develop partnerships with other appropriate organisations and agencies
- being responsive to the needs and aspirations of all children and young people regardless of differing abilities, identities, backgrounds, gender or culture and providing appropriate support, advice and guidance
- ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people through the implementation of robust procedures in the selection, development and supervision of leaders
- providing high quality training and resources for leaders, and providing a network of professional staff to support and equip voluntary leaders for the task